Friday, March 4, 2011

Trust The Universe

while walking
no matter where
no matter the purpose
no matter the direction
no matter the weather
no matter the city
no matter the mood
no matter ANYTHING
I can look down and find a ponytail holder or rubber band.
weird, I know, but it's true.
I've tested it.
I started noticing this after the breakup of my then 15 year marriage.
It's been 4 years since it started or at least since I started noticing them.
Recently I started meditating and since Google search came up with no explanation I asked,
"Why do I see these?"
and in my foot numbing crossed leg posture pose I heard,
"trust in the universe"
so I started this blog...
i love to write
i hate to think
i love to dream
i hate chaos
so today i start my blog about my life 
upcoming topics
metaphysics: why, WHY did I choose this life?
lesbian: yes I am, the curse and the beauty
work: from necessary evil to fulfilling, sort of
work: power trips and tirades

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